Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Peanut Butter Bars

Today I was flipping through How to Be a Domestic Goddess by Nigella. She is one sexy Jewess and her food is definatley packed with soul or shall I say "sexy soul". I think I may be cooking for a New Year's Eve soiree, so I grabbed a recipe from the book that I think will be a huge hit. Some people don't like peanut butter, but how can anyone resist peanut butter and chocolate?

Nosh on,

Peanut Butter Bars

for the base:

50g dark muscovado sugar

200g icing sugar (aka powdered sugar)

50g unsalted butter

200g smooth peanut butter

for the topping:

200g milk chocolate

100g plain chocolate

1 tablespoon unsalted butter

1 x 23cm square brownie tin, lined

Stir all the ingredients for the base together until smooth. Sse the paddle attachment to a mixer but a bowl and a wooden spoon will do the job just as well. You will find that some of the dark muscovado sugar stays rubbly, though very small, lumps, but don't worry about that. Press the sandy mixture into the lined brownie tin and make the surface as even as possible.

To make the topping, melt the chocolates and butter together (in a microwave for ease, for a minute or two on medium) and spread on the base. Put the tin in the fridge to set. When the chocolate has hardened, cut into small squares.

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