Cilantro Shake & Apple Cereal
I am almost finished researching on which way I want to proceed with the
blog. There are so many options, but I am narrowing it all down. It is fun
and exciting to see what the opportunities are for a food blogs! YUM!
If you are like me, you ate your share of heavy food and had more than
enough to drink during the December holidays. Now we try scale back to get our body
back together. It is time to incorporate a little bit more raw food into
the diet. I like to have my raw food in the morning so that I do not feel heavy
during the day. Here are two of my favorite recipes that would be great for
you in the morning: Apple Cereal and a Cilantro Shake. I know that cilantro
is a hate it or love it item, so omit if you are not a fan.
Nosh on,
Cilantro Shake
Agave Nectar
Vanilla Extract
Pinch of Cinnamon
Kosher salt
In a blender, throw a peeled orange peeled cucumber, lots and lots and lots
of cilantro - like half a bunch, a lime, some pineapple, agave nectar,
vanilla extract, pinch of cinnamon, and kosher salt (to your liking)
Apple Cereal
1 apple of your choice grated
1 banana chopped
small handful coconut shredded
1/4 cup soaked almonds chopped
1/4 cup sunflower sprouts
splash of almond milk or coconut water
1 tsp raw honey
dash of cinnamon or nutmeg